Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Shame-inducingly Behind

Okay, so now I'm doing really badly. In my defense, the two main readers of my blog (at least, the two people who mention it to me all the time....yes I'm sending a *look* in your direction if you read and never comment or tell me that you read), my mother and my aunt, were both with me over Christmas and thus got all of the updates and photographic evidence of fun firsthand. Wednesdays are my very busy days, with class from 8-4 and then English teaching, so tomorrow is probably out, but on Thursday, while I'm catching up on my newspaper reading, being shocked about the state of American politics, and (hopefully) some tv shows that have been rather lax about new episodes, I will get in a great, long post (or posts) about all of my fun-having, Amsterdam-traveling, intersemester-break-travel-planning, next-semester-class-selecting, and grad-school-applying glory. I know. You're PSYCHED.

Here is a photo of fun-ness and some fried apple rings to tide you over:

This is totally not us moving the loose 'r' in the courtyard at the Amsterdam Historical Museum to replace it with Gilder.   
We would never do such a thing. We are liberal-arts-educated Wesleyan graduates!

Everyone else got three. The woman cooking these mumbled something in Swabisch about one maybe being small (?), and gave me FIVE. Hellooooooo.

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