Many of you probably know that the weather in New York has been generally questionable. The weather people reported that we would, "finally be getting a break from the heat," and the thermometer dropped down to 86. Me? Not a fan. Fortunately, I skipped out on both the heat and the apparent rainpocalypse by jetting out to Seattle for a long weekend, which actually turned out to be the best weekend*.
(*sidenote: yes, I'm aware there may or may not have been some wescrew merriment this weekend, and I'm taking this into account in assigning my superlatives. true story.)
I left work early on Thursday and was in Seattle by a reasonable hour (well, Pacific time) that night. We had a seriously full weekend planned, though, so no rest for the weary!
On Friday, we did that whole sleeping in business and decided it would be the perfect time to start our homemade tiramisu adventure that we'd only been planning for months. A quick trip to the grocery store and some internet research revealed that making your own tiramisu is actually pretty easy (and not too pricey). We went with an online recipe from the food network, and even made our own ladyfingers to achieve real 'homemade' status. We soaked them in espresso and were on our way.
Anyone who's ever had tiramisu knows it's all about layers of cookies and that oh-so-delicious mixture of mascarpone cheese and a certain something that never seems to identify itself, but makes things ever so fluffy and wonderful. Turns out it's various and sundry whipped egg components, a little bit of gelatine and, you know, sugar. Construct the whole thing in a pan with cinnamon and shaved chocolate, chill, and you're ready to enjoy the fruits of your not-very-strenuous labor.
We were pretty popular. Or unpopular, depending on you feel about having delicious, unhealthy food tempting you from your fridge!
On Saturday night, I went to my second ever MLB game, this time in Seattle where the Red Sox were in town. Having been kept awake by many a Mariner post-game show, I was excited to see these guys in person. I have to say, I'm not a big fan of baseball on tv...with just the one point of view at a time, it gets a little boring and I just lose interest unless it's a World Series final. Watching a game live at the ballpark is a lot different. It's dynamic, it's exciting, and there are lots of fun people with great energy. Of course, we showed up two hours early to watch batting practice so, as I soon found out, a bunch of fans exhiting various levels of crazy (and some certain levels of awesome) could yell as politely as possible at a bunch of outfielders who didn't seem like they wanted to throw any balls into the stands. We met a guy visiting from NH who clearly thought I was crazy when it became clear I was the girlfriend sitting in the stands holding the bags, tickets, etc, while he and Gilder chatted it up. A ball was acquired however, with questionable reaching in front of a small child....I made some guilt-inducing comments, and though it was offered to me, it was not offered to said child (who got his own a few minutes later). The whole thing was almost more of an anthropological culture study than my day at the beach club! Needless to say it was a great time, and we actually had pretty excellent cheap seats, too. I managed to get a shot of the Mariner Moose who came up to dance in the rows behind us (any team with a moose mascot I can definitely get behind). Oh, and those blue shirts you see? Ichiro-designed, baby. Mine's a little big, but like I care. 
Proof! I can officially live in New England now that I've been to a Sox game (even if it was in Seattle). And I'm only 15 years late!
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