Monday, June 13, 2011

The Mark of a Real Wesleyan Alum

Well, I did it. I am LIVING IN BROOKLYN! I'm sure John Wesley (or his great-great-great-great hipster grandchildren) would be proud. I am relocated to New York, I have my first real day of my internship tomorrow, and I am finally housed somewhere that does not require a 2hr bus/subway commute to the Museum! Thanks to my wonderful Aunt Jane and some serious work on 'The Catie Campaign' on her part, I am borrowing a phenomenal apartment in Brooklyn Heights ! As I told my mother, the apartment's located in a great neighborhood with a Trader Joe's and an Ann Taylor Loft, so it's absurdly safe and nice with lots of fun things to do just down any number of streets (and did I mention the gym is down two blocks?). Adjusting to living alone in a place that doesn't have 27 of one's closest friends just down a road or through Exley is still a bit strange, and to be quite honest very lonely, but I have a wonderful dinner with my teammate (of three years. man that was fast) Yara tomorrow night, and I'm excited to get back into the Wes-socializing swing of things.

It's been a very long last few days, so right now I'm just trying to process everything and lie low for more than a couple of hours at a time. The whole thing started with a 7 1/2 hour bus ride from White River Junction down the New York. Funny, both the website and the man from whom I bought my ticket on the phone said to show up an hour early for the bus (to check bags. check bags? what is this, an airplane?), and so, being the good person that I am, I showed up at 7:30 with my mom. We arrived and the attendant at the mini-mart/gas station/bus station building said, "Oh, you're here for the Greyhound? The ticket counter doesn't open until about ten after 8." So, exasperated, I sat there with my wonderful mother who stayed to keep me company, finally boarded a bus with one other person, and began what is possibly the longest, windiest, slowest trip I have ever had through Vermont, Mass, and Connecticut. The only straight shot we took was from Hartford to New York. I passed some time in a questionable Port Authority cafe with Gilder before getting all of my stuff onto a commuter bus bound for Montclair, where I was enthusiastically greeted by my grandfather with Thai food and Perrier (and I have to say, if you're me, it doesn't get much better than that).

I spent the next few days going in and out of the city for orientation, apartment-visiting, and the like, and Jane and I calculated that I've spent approximately 16 hours on buses since last Wednesday. Needless to say I'm thrilled that one subway and a few blocks of walking can have me to work in under 40 minutes :) On an even less whiny note, I had the incredibly unexpected pleasure of running into a very dear old HHS volleyball teammate of mine in the Rockefeller Center Anthropologie! I was wandering the sale, she was wandering the sale, I heard my name, and we had one of those shared, "Oh my god, what are you DOING here?" moments. Yet another friend in the city this summer who I did not know was going to be around. I think it's going to be a good summer.

Here's hoping tomorrow goes as well as orientation did, and hey, if you're in the city, do look me up!

More later!

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