Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, three very dusty archaeologists stood above their unit and surveyed an exceptionally rocky plow zone, strewn with the remnants of an old and tumbled wall.
"It looks we have twenty-seven hearths in the plow zone," said one.
"Twenty-seven hearths in the plow zone," mused the unit supervisor, "that would be the perfect name for a memoir! Or a blog..."
The third archaeologist just laughed at her group members.
Well, the first archaeologist (can I actually call myself that?) is about to graduate from college and embark on a year long grad-school-detour to Germany. A blog seemed like just the thing to do because 1) all the cool kids are doing it, 2) it makes it decidedly easier for friends and family to stay abreast of all of the decidedly thrilling events in one's life, and 3)it looks like fun and hey why not start it early because it's a lot more interesting than researching for one's last college paper ever that happens to be on the feminine/feminist aesthetic in New German Cinema.
So here it is. Expect more exciting and regular updates as post-graduation summer plans and specific details on the exchange program take place. Exciting things!

1 comment:

  1. Your last ever college paper sounds SIGNIFICANTLY better than my last college paper was. Wouldn't it be nice if thesis writers were exempted from papers and allowed to ride into the sunset on a cloud of thesisian glory?
